Imran Khan attends Bay Area Groups Fund Raiser for Pakistan Flood Victims

Heavy monsoon rains swept across Pakistan in July, leaving one-fifth of the country’s land area underwater, 2,000 people dead and 20 million suffering.

Bay Area humanitarian organizations have been working ever since to support flood victims, including Buddies without Borders and the Imran Khan Foundation.

As part of the efforts, the groups hosted a fund-raising dinner at Pleasanton’s Castlewood Country Club on Saturday that  featured renowned cricket player Khan.

Recognized for his leadership on the Pakistani cricket team from the 1970s to the 1990s, Khan, referred to as the “Lion of Pakistan,” also is known for his charitable work and political activism. He recently formed the Imran Khan Foundation (IKF) to help Pakistan flood victims.

“Impact  of the floods has already been felt in Pakistan, food inflation has been unprecedented,” Khan said to the 350 people at the event Saturday.  

The fund raiser included dinner and entertainment by the Bay Area band Legend.

Legend members Imtiaz Ahmad, Asim Wali and Noor Lodhi were joined by Manesh Judge (master percussionist) and Michael Anand on guitar.

Lodhi and Judge are co-founders of Indus World Music, which is dedicated to preserving the classical music traditions of Pakistan and India.

Khan urged people to help flood victims “stand on their feet.”

“Adopt a village, school, family and help people help themselves; it is imperative on us to help humans going through crisis,” he said.

Based in the Bay Area, Buddies Without Borders spreads awareness of Pakistani flood victims in the United States through the collective power of children and parents.

The group’s Pennies for Peace Program teaches children that they can help children across the globe, one penny at a time. The program also illustrates that children can move beyond the boundaries of culture or religion.

In six months, local schoolchildren have raised $9,600 through the Pennies for Peace program. 

“Today’s fund raiser provides one opportunity to do my little part, kudos to [Buddies Without Borders] for arranging this event,” said Jafar Safdar of Fremont.

During the event, kids in Buddies Without Borders sang “Dil Dil Pakistan,” which was produced locally by Nabeela Khan.

“I wanted to be a part of this effort to help the flood victims in Pakistan,” said Yasser Khan of San Jose.

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